Position paper VCI/BAVC

EU supply chain law must be workable




Wirtschaft & Menschenrechte

EU supply chain law must be workable


20 January 2023 | Position


The Commission's proposal for "due diligence for companies with regard to sustainability" must not overwhelm companies.

Human rights due diligence is part of the self-concept of our member companies. Therefore, we support a workable European due diligence directive that creates a level playing field. However, the due diligence obligations that go beyond direct contractual relationships, additional civil liability and an application to mid-sized companies are impracticable. In these respects, the European Commission’s proposal for a directive is in urgent need of amendment.

The complete position paper from VCI and BAVC can be found in the download area at the top of this page.


For questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.

 Dominik Jaensch

Dominik Jaensch

Rechtsfragen REACH, Strafrecht, Versicherungsfragen, Verwaltungs-/Umwelthaftungsrecht